A few crumbs here, one or two lint there, the obligatory ball of fur of our house tiger there, are those cobwebs up there in the corner? Every day we encounter such “little things” inside our apartment – and not only there! Even in our beloved automobiles or at work, we often see certain dirt that simply has to disappear immediately. So that they really do that in the future, we would like to present you the Xiaomi Mi Mini vacuum cleaner today. Here you can find out what the handy device is good for among household gadgets .
With the Xiaomi Mi Mini handheld vacuum cleaner you can reliably remove dust, lint and all other small items and dirt everywhere and in every corner. The pull-out brush attachment allows you to get into every crack and crevice, no matter how small, and finally get rid of the chip crumbs left there from last year’s movie night. This makes the Xiaomi Mi Mini incredibly versatile and makes life a whole lot easier for you at work, in your free time or at home.
Xiaomi Mi Mini vacuum cleaner: good battery performance and high quality workmanship
The Xiaomi Mi Mini vacuum cleaner also scores particularly well with its harmonious combination of modern technology and high-quality design . The deliberately small body measures with a height of 280 millimeters and a diameter of 55 millimeters about as much as a normal water bottle. The elegant white outer shell of the Xiaomi Mi Mini, which also makes the device a real eye-catcher, is also perfect in the hand, which enables particularly easy guidance and operation.

Due to its small size, the collecting container of the Xiaomi Mi Mini vacuum cleaner is quite small, but that is easy to get over. Because the emptying and subsequent cleaning of the container and filter is also child’s play and can be done in a few simple steps. When the 120 watt motor is operated in normal mode, the built-in battery lasts about half an hour , and on the highest suction level it is about nine minutes – absolutely okay for quick use in between. The whole thing is then charged via the supplied USB-C cable.
Inexpensive gadget for everyone who likes to keep things tidy
No matter where you want to use the Xiaomi Mi Mini vacuum cleaner, it will find its way into many other areas of your everyday life that you will probably not be able to imagine without it later – very similar to the eufy HomeVac H11 that we introduced you to a while ago have shown. In addition, it looks really appealing, is still easy to use and really inexpensive for all the added value.