Home ยป Video calls prioritize Google Nest WiFi

Video calls prioritize Google Nest WiFi

COVID 19 brought lots of changings in living and one of them is social destining. That is why more firms are focusing on Video calls.

In times of corona, we all work at home a lot. Meetings and discussions often take place via video calls. A major drawback is interference during video calls: something that can now be prevented with Google WiFi or Nest WiFi.

Google WiFi and Nest WiFi can give priority to video calls

Good news if you have a Google WiFi or Nest WiFi mesh router in the house. With a new Google Home update, you can indicate that Zoom and Meet video calls should be prioritized. Start a video call through these services and the Google Nest router will focus on this and give other things less priority.

Google itself talks about the possibility ‘to automatically detect and optimize selected video conference traffic as a preferred activity’ with the new functionalities of the Google Home app.

Also new: WiFi information in Google Home activities

In addition to the possibility to prioritize Zoom and Meet video calls, specific WiFi events will also be shown in the Google Home activities. You can think of smart home devices that cannot connect to the network (think of a smart speaker or security camera).