REVIEW: TELOS AUDIO DESIGN: Kemp Elektroniks has been an importer of the chic and somewhat mysterious brand Telos Audio Design from Taiwan for some time now. These are relatively small devices that, based on insights from quantum physics, would provide better “working conditions” for high-end components. According to Telos, this use leads to a more accurate and at the same time more “charming”, more fluid sound image with, moreover, a greatly reduced noise floor. Well, we’ll see about that!

The TELOS AUDIO DESIGN range is wide: there are various conditioners that act on the supply voltage and / or grounding. In addition, there is also a Quantum Acoustics Diffuser, a device for demagnetizing CDs, a mains cable and Quantum Stickers and connectors. The conditioners all have the same attractive design: a chassis made of sturdy metal, a robust metal bar with the logo on the front and a top made of a dark transparent plastic that allows a view of the parts. Only the dimensions differ. Flashing LEDs make the use very exciting. The luxurious appearance has its price: these accessories are expensive. The high asking price will also be related to the exceptionally rigorous selection of parts that Telos reports on its website.
Telos Audio Design V3.1 Quantum Noise Resonator
What should I test? The grounding of my three installations is already thoroughly covered by a wagonload of accessories from Akiko Audio. It therefore seemed logical to me not to go for the Grounding Noise Reducer from Telos. My eye fell on the V3.1 Quantum Noise Resonator, which looks like a kind of parallel filter. The device comes in a nice box and is unexpectedly heavy. The thing exudes luxury and solidity; really a gadget.

A manual is missing. The one on the website is hilarious: first many sentences about what not to do – do not get wet and so on – and then: connect it to the power strip of the installation. Point. There is a product description in broken English on the website. I gather that the Quantum Noise Resonator not only filters out some high-frequency noise, but also corrects the mains voltage. How it works exactly does not want to be clear to me. In any case, eight flashing LEDs can be seen after connection; that looks great fun and interesting.
The Effects of the V3.1 Quantum Noise Resonator
The first serious listening session with the Quantum Noise Resonator took place over a year ago on the smaller stereo system in the study. The main system was out of order at the time due to a leak in the living room. The notes from then immediately make me enthusiastic again! The sound of this somewhat spicy sounding set was clearly more pleasant; everything immediately sounded cleaner, more relaxed and less sharp. The nicer timbres and quieter background could not be missed.

I have discovered for a while that all good conditioners have more or less the same sonic effects that can be traced back to a common operating principle: reducing the noise level, i.e. suppressing or removing high-frequency signals that pass through the supply voltage into the sensitive circuits. Naturally, this misery does not belong in the music signal and manifests itself as hardness, sharpness, unrest, a diffuse spatial image and the like. To be precise: when using a good conditioner, improvements can be seen on these points.
Unfortunately, the second set had to take a step back, because the Telos is really too expensive for that. To the headset with it! I plugged it into the first power strip that feeds both the main system and the TV corner through subsequent power strips and conditioners. The effect on the main system was clearly audible, but frankly smaller than in the study. Actually, the improvements in the flat screen were the most obvious. I noticed more color contrast and deeper blacks on the picture and more refinement in the sound, especially when playing video clips from YouTube.
The V3.1 Quantum Noise Resonator optimally utilized
Actually, you always have to figure out where an accessory works best. Just think logically… the first power strip is followed by many subsequent steps of handling the supply voltage. Wouldn’t the effect of the Quantum Noise Resonator “dilute” too much? What if I plug it into the socket of the power amplifier? The power amplifier is not connected to the PS Audio Power Plant and therefore receives relatively “raw” power. And yes, immediately I heard a significantly greater effect!

How great it turned out when listening to the compilation CD of the series “The Complete Works of Johann Sebastian Bach on 160 CDs” (Hänssler Edition). On track 5 a violinist does his best. This piece always sounded a bit sharp. That actually stayed that way. But now it was clear that this was the natural sharpness of the instrument and not the annoying added sharpness of the audio system. It was much more like a real violin with its own character; in this case of the “spicy” kind. What a difference in naturalness! With the CD with the Goldberg Variations of Bach by Pierre Hantai I heard a more pleasant, more characteristic and specific harpsichord. Magnificent! Moreover, fast runs were easier to follow. Who said that accuracy and a warm musical sound cannot go together?
I could fill many more pages with listening experiences, but the bottom line is this: when connected to the best place, Telos’s Quantum Noise Resonator is a class-leading parallel filter. Perhaps most striking is that there is no disadvantage to use. This device simply makes the music on a high-quality system sound more refined and natural. Opinions may differ about the size of the effect; that it works and that no trouble is introduced seems beyond dispute to me. So don’t let the modest dimensions and the hefty asking price of the device fool you: this is a very relevant product for the target group of serious audiophiles with a top system. Maybe even an important product.
Telos Audio Quantum Magnetic Tuning CD Demagnetizer
Because of my positive experiences with the Quantum Noise Resonator, I was there when Telos recently came up with a CD Demagnetizer. It has been clear to me for several decades that CDs can sound better after some form of treatment. I have therefore tried and used many types of CD enhancers, often with satisfactory results. Demagnetising CDs is not new; we remember the Bedini Clarifier and the Furutech RD-1 and RD-2 (now available again as the Acoustic Revive RD-3). I have positive experiences with the Furutech RD-1; I regularly use it with the small set. According to the importer, the new device from Telos goes a considerable step further and is the ultimate CD handler. Well, bring it on then!

The device looks like a crushed Noise Resonator; otherwise exactly the same design. When you switch it on, four blue LEDs around the placed CD will flash, as if the engines of a spaceship are activated. Nice though. Telos claims that the frequencies of the generated magnetic field have a bandwidth of up to 100 kHz, where other devices operate at a fixed frequency. A manual is also missing here. The manual on the website is again very concise and also contains sentences that do not apply to this device. Messy; that must be better. Fortunately, the use is very simple: pressing the only button activates the device for 10 seconds; press twice for one minute and press three times for five minutes. So switch on twice for 20 seconds. Hold the button briefly to switch it off in the meantime. In addition to optical discs, other things can also be demagnetized, such as cables and connectors. According to the importer, that is the reason that the device works on a battery: you can keep it everywhere. A charger is included; a full battery is said to last no less than 800 times 10 seconds.
The effects of the Telos Audio Design CD Demagnetizer
To get a first impression, I did a quick before-after review with about ten CDs from all genres I can dream of. I thought it would be a good idea to cover both sides of the CD for ten seconds. The manual does not state whether reversing makes sense. I immediately heard that something had happened after treatment, but initially had difficulty putting it into words. I found myself always having the urge to listen to the CD that was being treated. So I had to keep forcing myself to pick up the next CD. It took a while for the penny to drop… this of course meant that something went very well! Apparently the music touched me more than before after treatment.

Gradually the effects became more apparent. In my experience, the strength varied a lot per CD. The low tones become cleaner, better articulated. There is more structure in the image; voices and instruments are better focused. Usually, more focus gives the impression of “a small sound”; that was precisely not the case. The image becomes a little wider, deeper and more open, as if the walls of the recording room spontaneously fall over and some musicians take a step forward, backward or to the side. When singing with piano accompaniment by Anne Sofie von Otter, Barbara Bonney and so on, you suddenly hear every nuance. In an absolute sense, the effect is not always very great, but for a serious listener this is exactly what this hobby is all about. The difference between a very good sound and total emotion. Dear help, how beautiful this is! Pooh,
With the Rosenberg Trio’s CD “Caravan”, I noticed that besides the increased definition of the instruments there was also more equivalence. On track 12 guitar and vibraphone played together at the same volume, where I mainly heard the guitar at first. Wonderful. The experience with Blindman’s CD “Water and Fire” was nothing short of bizarre. On this remarkable CD some gentlemen with saxophones and a roaring and pounding organ pick up Handel’s most famous instrumental works in an infectious way. Initially on track 7 the sax playing the melody sounded rather diffuse: the sound came from everywhere and nowhere. After treatment, the enthusiastic horn player suddenly stood in a clear place, left of the middle. How is this possible, only as a result of a short treatment of the CD.
Finally, I reviewed Madonna’s DVD “93:99” on the home cinema set. With the song “Ray of Light” the increase in detail and the better intelligibility of the vocals was impressive. Everyone hears this improvement, for sure. I saw a little more color contrast on the image. Once again it became clear to me how brilliantly this song has been produced.
In my opinion, both Quantum devices from Telos are an asset to an already crowded market. The Quantum Noise Resonator is an absolutely trouble-free and effective parallel filter that works very well. The Quantum Magnetic Tuning CD Demagnetizer is able to squeeze the last bit of sound and refinement out of a digital disc and indeed seems to be the best of its kind. The effects are sure to be embraced by music lovers who listen to carefully recorded music on a high quality system. Needless to say, I no longer give up the new toys.
- TELOS AUDIO DESIGN are Easy to use
- Beautiful design, solid construction
- Clear refinement of the display on good systems
- High price
- Operating instructions below standard