Maintenance of your coffee machine: In order to preserve all the aromas of coffee, it is important to properly maintain your coffee machine. Reflexes are needed.

Maintenance of the filter, coffee container
The coffee container and the filter should be cleaned regularly and dried with a soft cloth. Do not leave ground coffee in the appliance, it works and deteriorates in the air, leading to loss of aroma.
Maintenance of your coffee machine:The use of accessories
It is essential to clean the nozzles: milk, cappuccino after each use. For the steam nozzle, it must be purged daily in order to avoid rising in the device created by air pockets.
Maintenance of your coffee machine:Descaling
An important and necessary step, it guarantees the proper functioning of your machine. Some have an automatic descaling program. Otherwise use recommended products.
If the machine is used daily, do not switch it off but leave it switched on is the ideal solution. Thus it makes it possible to maintain a so-called “thermal” balance necessary for the quality of the coffee but also for its proper functioning. This balance makes it possible to maintain a constant temperature between the boiler and the coffee outlet.