Home » Review: Logitech Folio Touch keyboard cover with trackpad

Review: Logitech Folio Touch keyboard cover with trackpad

The Logitech Folio Touch keyboard cover for iPad Air and iPad Pro 11-inch is an alternative to Apple's Magic Keyboard.

The Logitech Folio Touch keyboard cover for iPad Air and iPad Pro 11-inch is an alternative to Apple’s Magic Keyboard. We have tested this cover and in this review we share our experiences.

Earlier this spring, Apple surprised friend and foe with the Magic Keyboard for iPad . This is a cover with fully illuminated Magic Keyboard and built-in trackpad. As you could already read in our review of the Magic Keyboard for the iPad, we are enthusiastic, only the price is quite high at € 339 . Logitech has therefore released a much more affordable alternative: the Logitech Folio Touch keyboard cover with trackpad for iPad Air 2020 and iPad Pro 11-inch. How do you like this all-in-one keyboard cover?

Logitech Folio Touch review: the cover in short

These are the main features of the Logitech Folio Touch for iPad Air and iPad Pro:

  • Two versions: for iPad Air 2020 and iPad Pro 11-inch
  • Keyboard cover with fully backlit keyboard and built-in trackpad
  • Connects via Smart Connector, no charging required
  • Drive with dedicated iPadOS function keys
  • Fold-out stand with adjustable angle for adapted working position
  • Space to attach the Apple Pencil 2 to the iPad and charge it at the same time
  • Keyboard can also be folded for tablet mode
  • Dimensions: 25.6 x 19.2 x 2.1 centimeters
  • Weight: 646 grams excluding iPad, 1123 grams including iPad

To begin with, it is good to know that there are two versions: for the 11-inch iPad Pro and the latest iPad Air 2020. Because the iPad Air 2020 is slightly thicker, Logitech has released a special version for this. The crop of the camera is also different. Apart from these cosmetic differences, both versions are identical in terms of possibilities and functions. We have tested the version for the iPad Air 2020, but the plus and minus points apply equally well to the iPad Pro model.

To use the keyboard, you must press the iPad firmly into the case. The edges are made of a kind of rubber, which protects the iPad all around. You can therefore no longer see the color of the iPad, except at the camera cut-out and at the place where you can attach the Apple Pencil 2. The cover closes magnetically and with an equally magnetic flap you ensure that everything stays in place.

Logitech Folio Touch keyboard cover

Logitech Folio Touch while typing

To use the cover while typing, unfold it completely. The keyboard is incorporated in the ‘lid’ of the cover, which you place on the table in front of you. At the back is a magnetic stand, with which you determine the viewing angle of the iPad. There are no fixed positions, so you are very flexible in determining the correct working position. Compared to Apple’s Magic Keyboard, you have a lot more freedom, which is a big plus.

As soon as you have put down the iPad with cover and activate the screen, the keyboard lighting switches on immediately. The illumination is bright enough that you can type well even in the dark, although the keys are never illuminated as evenly as on a MacBook or Apple’s Magic Keyboard for iPad. The key illumination is good, but not nearly as good as Apple’s keyboards.

Typing itself is quite pleasant. The button travel (the distance when pressing a key) is just right. It types a lot nicer than Apple’s Smart Keyboard and the infamous butterfly keyboard from the previous generations of MacBook . Moreover, the keyboard of the Logitech Folio sounds a bit duller than the Magic Keyboard for iPad. In terms of typing, we think the Logitech Folio Touch is one of the better keyboard covers for iPad .

Logitech Folio Touch keyboard cover

A big advantage over Apple’s Magic Keyboard for iPad is that this Logitech keyboard has a separate row of function keys. You can go to the home screen, adjust the volume, lock the iPad, search and control media at the touch of a button. Unfortunately, there is no escape key, but we certainly think the extra row of function keys is a strong addition.

Since iPadOS 13.4 you can control an iPad with a mouse or trackpad . Ever since the introduction of this feature, we have been pleased with how Apple has implemented this on the iPad. The built-in trackpad in this Logitech Folio Touch works with this too. We like the trackpad, although it feels a bit different in use than Apple’s . In our experience, the trackpad on Apple’s cover responds a bit more smoothly, making operating the iPad a bit more pleasant. It does not seem to be due to the settings, because the speed of the cursor is the same for both models. We feel that the trackpad on Apple’s Magic Keyboard for iPad is a bit more accurate. An advantage of Logitech’s is that the trackpad is somewhat larger in terms of surface

This way you can operate the iPad with a mouse or trackpad

From iPadOS 13 you can operate your iPad with a mouse. In this tip we explain how that works. Starting with iPadOS 13.4, the options for a mouse and trackpad on the iPad are much more extensive, so that everyone can use them. Useful!

Incidentally, we must also say that the use of this cover is best at a table or a desk. On your lap, the cover is somewhat unstable due to the standard on the back. If you work a lot on the couch with your iPad on your lap, we find Apple’s Magic Keyboard for iPad more suitable.

Logitech Folio Touch in tablet mode

What’s missing from Apple’s Magic Keyboard case is a dedicated tablet stand. Once your iPad is in this case, you can actually only use it with the keyboard folded out in front of you. You won’t be bothered by that with the Logitech Folio Touch. You can fold the part with the keyboard all the way back, so that the keys on the back are facing out. You do not have to take the iPad completely out of the cover if you want to use it without a physical keyboard.

Logitech Folio Touch keyboard cover

A disadvantage of this is that it makes it very thick and heavy. If you mainly use the iPad in typing mode as a kind of laptop replacement and occasionally purely as a tablet without the typing, this way of use is sufficient. But if you only type occasionally and use the iPad mainly as a tablet, we find the cover too clumsy for that.

The cover is made of a kind of fabric housing. We find that a bit more comfortable in the hand than the rubbery material that Apple uses for the iPad Magic Keyboard. While time should tell what the covers will look like in the long run (read: several years), we are more confident with the Logitech cover. You won’t see any dirty, greasy fingerprints on it and the cover also looks more wear-resistant than Apple’s.

Logitech Folio Touch keyboard cover

The cover is a lot heavier and thicker than the Apple cover. It therefore sometimes feels a bit clumsy in use, especially if you want to take it with you when closed. With a closed Logitech Folio Touch cover, the iPad is half the thickness of a closed MacBook Pro. In terms of weight, the iPad with cover comes close to a MacBook Air (1123 grams versus 1290 grams).


  • Flexible in choosing the right viewing angle
  • Typing pleasantly
  • Handy function keys especially for the iPad
  • Can also be used as a tablet


  • Bigger and heavier than Apple’s Magic Keyboard for iPad
  • Less suitable for use on the lap

Conclusion Logitech Folio Touch keyboard cover for iPad

All in all, we are quite satisfied with the Logitech Folio Touch keyboard cover for iPad. The keyboard types very well and the function keys come in handy while working on your iPad . The iPad is therefore increasingly a laptop replacement. The built-in trackpad also lets you control the iPad without touching the screen, although we like the trackpad of Apple’s Magic Keyboard for iPad a bit more comfortable.

Logitech Folio Touch keyboard cover

The many different viewing angles and different positions for both typing and using the iPad as a tablet are the biggest plus points of this all-in-one keyboard cover. With a price of around € 160 , the cover is a lot cheaper than that of Apple. Keep in mind that the Logitech Folio Touch makes your iPad a lot thicker and heavier.